Tuesday, 3 December 2019

What are the Things Required to file an Income Tax Return in the UK?

If you are a UK resident or are working there, you are liable to pay income tax if you fall any of the taxable categories like self-employed, partner in business, taking advantage of child benefits, trustee or executor of any taxable estate, and file self-assessment tax return according the provided returns and within deadlines set by HMRC. It is a legal obligation, and one who fails to meet the deadlines or provide inaccurate details can face heavy penalties and surcharges. In the UK, for filing an income tax return accurately, your return must hold the following details with accuracy.

Personal Details

For filling personal tax return, it is essential to provide your personal details like your date of birth, name, address, and national insurance number in the specified places on the provided returns in order to claim all the allowances that you are entitled to, and to pay the right amount of tax with the appropriate tax rate . Inaccurate details can make you eligible for penalties or over payments.

Details of income Source

One is also required to provide authentic information about his source of income as either he/she is self-employed or partner in any business or even getting income from any taxable source like rents on possessions, and taking advantage of higher pensions. If you are the one, you are required to provide details of your annual income and total expenditures and even losses in your business that can help you in claiming maximum from HMRC. In order to provide accurate details and calculations of your income, it is essential to maintain your financial records around the year. 

Tax Liabilities and Repayments

If you are residing in the UK, you must be aware that every benefit that you get from the government is taxable. In your income tax return, it is essential to provide details of your income along with the right calculation of what you owe to HMRC as income tax payable. Your return must hold details of your student loan repayments, child benefit allowances, and other relevant details that can make it easy for HMRC to calculate your income tax payable rightly and provide you tax bills to pay accordingly. 

Claimed Refunds

You can also make claims for refunds in case if you have overpaid on your pension payments, redundancy payments, foreign incomes, and filed returns, etc. in your personal tax returns to reduce your income tax payable. You can take advantage of the rebate policy of the HMRC only if you are regularly paying your taxes and providing accurate details. 

Reliefs or Exemptions that you may Claim

One can claim reliefs over his income tax returns and can make an immense cut to the income tax payables in his self-assessment tax returns. According to taxation regulations in the UK, tax relief can be claimed on what a person spends on the business operations if he/she is self-employed. Even an employed individual can also make tax relief claim on his expenses like travel or buying anything for the job from personal income.

So, for filing your income tax returns in accordance with the set criteria by HMRC, these elements are required to be included in your filed returns with complete accuracy in order to avoid any sort of penalties due to mistaken or late submissions. Where there are several benefits of filing your income tax returns like refunds, reliefs, and allowances, etc., there are also legal complexities for people failing to meet deadlines and providing accurate details. 

According to the UK’s taxation laws, one who fails to provide accurate details or to meet deadlines can face a penalty of up to £100 and investigations regarding income and resources.

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